October 20, 2006

Cars and hills

Just got back from a car accident. It felt strange, I was first on scene, then another woman stopped (linda) and she looked after Duncan who had got out of the car while I talked to Esbourne trapped inside. All I could do was keep him talking, watch for signs of altered consciousness and make sure the chest was rising and falling. I knew I'd have to smash a window if he started to deteriorate.
It was strange being along side CFA people, although nice to be thanked by them in front of members of my old brigade.
I even caught up with an old friend from Monbulk.
Sadly, when I left one of the ambulances was still on scene and they were still working to stabilise one of the boys. Not a good sign. The police woman I spoke to will call me on Sunday to let meknow how they went.
When we move I will rejoin the CFA.
God bless.


Anonymous said...

i hear you did a great job

Anonymous said...

she did do a great job - i was that boy the paramedics were still working to stabilise when wendy left. i tell you, reading that sentence sent chills down my spine like you couldn't imagine. it's just like the first time i saw the photos of me in the intensive care unit; it really hit me just how serious it was.


PS: hi wendy :)

Wendy said...

thanks duncan :)