November 15, 2006

chocolate, appreciation & the iron-bark chip

Today is Adelle's birthday. So happy birthday Del Gel. Too bad she didn't appreciate my talent when singing happy birthday down the phone. The youth of today are so ungrateful!!!

Three Beautiful Things
  • Sharing chocolates
  • Being appreciated by welfare
  • Talking with people who could understand why I'm excited about having iron bark fence posts (It all relates to Lawson!)
It snowed in Olinda today!!! Snow in November!! Aaron sent pics from his phone.
Where I was we had enormous amounts of hail which the kids scooped up to throw at each other. Ben couldn't understand why he ended up with a wet patch on the carpet after sneaking some in!!!!!?????!!!!!
I had a great chat with Barb tonight. Apparently my cat (her cat) is now medicated. Why am I not surprised? She has also taken to eating Barb's feet in the wee small hours of the morning.
I did not visit the house today.
Love Wendy

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Hi Wendy
I finally got to have another look at your blog and i think it is really well set up and think you have too much spare time (lol)
Cann't wait to catch up at the weekend