December 09, 2006

Reports reports reports

I have so much to post at the moment but really don't have the time to upload photos and give an update on all that is going on in the family.

However, I need a break from reports. I swear they were invented by someone who was jealous that teachers get school holidays. I really dread this time of year, all the work that comes in at the very last minute, agonising over whether or not to pass or fail that borderline kid and avoiding the temptation of saying what we'd REALLY like to say.

At least the report writing program is a lot more user friendly than the one I've used in the past, still it's completely new which means I'm having to familiarise myself as I go. Oh well. It's not so bad, I'm on my last class. Tomorrow I just need to calculate attendance, proof read (hate doing that on a screen) and make sure there is isn't any work around that I haven't counted.
Of course there's also the usual domestic engineering and lugging boxes of garden waste to the top of the drive before the green collection. I'd love to mulch it all for the garden here but I cannot.

Well need to get back to it.

See you soon with a proper update.


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