January 18, 2007

Hols nearly over

Well it's the second last week of the holidays and I'm getting that excited but terrified feeling I always get when a new school year is approaching. It is always great to catch up with work friends and this year I am very excited about the new project I am involved in. Anyway, enough about work I've still got a week and a bit of freedom left.

Not much going on at the house. Peter cut our stipple yesterday and I'm not sure when our driveway will be laid. Soon I hope. I've been really good at chucking out stuff I don't need, I think it is sense of security of having a home at last, or maybe it was the anguish of moving so much junk!!!! Anyway, I'm letting go of a lot of emotional and physical baggage.

We have some progress on the maintenance stuff with the house having spoken to the big boss at Metricon Victoria. I'm really impressed with him as he had a plumber round here to install our tank within an hour of speaking to him. A big improvement on Bruce!

Around the estate it is business as usual. They are currently scraping sites in the next road down, they are also doing soil tests in the swampy part, so it looks like progress all round. They are working on some more of the roads. So although I'm losing some of my walking and riding circuit as new houses are started on, new parts of the estate are opening up for Max and me to explore.

Well best be off, I've got a giant house to vaccuum before my visitors arrive.

See Ya



Anonymous said...

Heyyy... thought I'd drop u a line, a bit unexpected, and maybe a nice surprise when u next log on?

So very proud of what u guys have achieved in such a short time with ur new place... and hopefully I can drop by sumtime in the coming week to check out all the new stuff that's been going on.

Looking forward to our new endeavour that we will be embarking on and committing to as of tomorrow night. The irony of them offering so much food and alcohol at the precise location one goes to rid oneself of such 'toxins' is almost too much for me, and is a constant source of amusement. Did u enjoy the poor spelling and writing found within the introductory letter? Hopefully not a sign of things to come?

Only 1 week to go...bring it on. Oh, I almost forgot... my new nickname for out PDC Team is "Sunshine" (I will explain at a later date).

See you tomorrow evening.

Much love,
Bec -xx-

Wendy said...

hi bec,
I have of course seen you since this message but I'm rarely checking the blog these days as only have dial up.
I quite enjoyed Sunday arfternoon, but the champagne and food wasn't exactly flowing was it...just as well really!!!
I had my assessment on Wednesday, as you know, turns out I've stacked on the kilos these hols and my old scales were being too kind to me. All the more incentive to go regularly!
We didn't make it to werribee today maybe tomorrow. However, we did have a sparky turn up to fix our dud downlight and wire our heating up.
Did you see the comet last night? Pretty cool eh?
Well see you back out our favourite place on monday.