July 03, 2006

Really, its just dirt.

It's hard to believe, looking at our estate now, but this is one of the earliest shots we have of our land.
It was about a year ago that we came across it. It really is a great block, very flat, good drainage and just the right dimensions for the house we wanted to build. The block is also in a court which I like as it is safer for Sarah and quieter for Mr Night Shift worker.
I also like the fact that we are much closer to mum's house and the beach, there are shops relatively close and public transport isn't too far away.

More photos of the early days
As you can see we were snap happy in the early days. Not that much has changed since then. I can still remember how excited we were going down to the block every weekend to see if anything had happened. We would just drive down, take photos, even take a picnic. Any excuse to walk on "our land". (Max loved it.)

Our course at this stage it wasn't really ours, we'd only put a deposit down and were waiting (and waiting and waiting) for settlement to occur.

We really didn't suffer much though. Some our of neighbours bought land when it was first released and they waited a WHOLE YEAR before settlement!

This is when we felt like things were actually moving. They started building the road, the curbs went in, we have footpaths and even crossovers. The process was slow but looking back I suppose it was all for the best. We had more time to save money, I paid off two credit cards and my car loan. Now that we are paying rent and mortgage repayments we should be feeling the pinch but thanks (in part) to the delay we're not as our financial position is so much better than it would have been if we had been six months further ahead.

Ok, so this is a bit tragic and clearly Aaron and I have too much time on our hands. This is the day the street lights went in. As you can see, we were there to catch that highly momentous occasion. I can't believe we sat in the car and took photos...but we did and here is the evidence.

The road is finished

Finally, the road was finished!!!! We couldn't believe it.

Of course then followed what seemed like the endless wait for settlement.

Once again the wait turned out to be a blessing in disguise. When settlement day finally came around there were all sorts of last minute unexpected expenses, fortunately, because we had waited so long, there was plenty of money in the coffers to cover the costs.

Yay!!!! We can start building now.

July 02, 2006


Hello family, friends and visitors.

Well I finally got around to taking the time to create this long-promised blog.

I know I've been talking about it for ages and started collecting the photos for it last November, but they do say all good things take time
We've certainly been learning that lesson during the land settlement and construction stages of building our dream home. At times the journey has been frustrating, but it is good to know that we have a site-supervisor who is a total perfectionist. Things might take a while to happen but at least we know that we are getting expert service and a quality final product.

Well, enough of that...let the blogging begin.....

Our Dream Home
It took a lot of searching to find our dream home. What started out as a wander around display homes became something more real when we sat down did the finance and realised that as a team we could actually do this.
We looked through so many homes and spent time with consultants from several companies but never felt quite right. That was until we walked into the Metricon homes at Berwick. There were two in particular that we loved, one was the Tyrell, the other was the Broadview. We made an appointment with Leanne at the Eden Rise estate to chat figures. At this stage I doubted we could afford a Metricon. Afterall they have an excellent reputation and seemed out of our range.

Well Leanne was absolutely wonderful and when we looked closely we soon discovered that with Metricon you get the best of both worlds, see a lot of the cut price mobs hide the extras and cut costs with poor quality and workmanship. Leanne made us an offer we couldn't refuse (as you know Aaron never pays full price for anything!). So our journey began.
We had already found a lot we liked that had been reserved for a Burbank house and land package. But we didn't think much of Burbank. So the lovely Linda sold us the block as was.

Would you like to walk through the home??
The floor plan is perfect for our little family and for the kind of lifestye we live. It's generally open plan but there are areas with privacy away from the rest of the house when you need time-out.
I love it and can't wait to make it a reality. Now come and have a look at our land...