July 16, 2007

Happy Birthday Flippa

Saturday marked Aaron's 35th birthday. It wasn't too far into the day when he revealed how he'd uncovered my plans for a surprise party - in a way it was such a relief. We had a lovely sleep in till almost 10. Sarah came home and we slobbed around at home for a couple of hours. We left in separate cars but then Aaron wanted to meet at Knox for lunch - so we did. Sarah didn't want to get a present for him there so I made my getaway and they went to Roy's for some important X- Box play time.
That gave me about two hours to buy some gifts, shop for the party and get home, still only leaving me a short amount of time to cook, clean up and slap on the war paint.
Keith was the first to arrive followed by Susan and Geoff. I wanted to do the guided tour thing but as I had failed in my mission to find a birthday card with Che on I still had tonnes to do in the kitchen while googling Che and making a card. I achieved!!! Keith blew up balloons and put some on the letter box and Susan ensured that I remained hydrated whilst working so hard...good girl Suuz! Aaron's card looked something like this (in a green frame)

Gradually people started to arrive and finally the guest of honour's body guard arrived yet no birthday boy. Sarah disappeared outside for a while and then eventually I went looking myself. I found him and he said Sarah had said not to come in...what a silly boy.

Anyway he finally came in to a rousing "surprise" (although we knew he wasn't).

It was a great night and a great time to catch up with friends.

Happy birthday babes xxxx

July 10, 2007

Too much time on my hands...and too cold outside to garden

You Would Be a Pet Dog

You're friendly, loyal, and an all around good sport. People love to be near you.
You are very open with your feelings, and you're quite vocal in expressing them.
You are sincere and kind. You love many people - without any sort of agenda.

Why you would make a great pet: You're content to chill out with your friends

Why you would make a bad pet: You always find yourself getting into trouble

What you would love about being a dog: Running around and playing

What you would hate about being a dog: Being left home alone while everyone else is out having fun
That's funny, I'm sure there's a few people out there who think I'm a dog...

But it hurts...and Happy 100th

Wendy did too much digging today. Wendy's back hurts. Wendy feels like the mud will never come off.
However, Wendy now has a lovely vegie patch - well the beds for it are in, just need to get to work on the compost and yet more digging. I (sorry, referring to myself in the third person is just TOOOO pretentious) have also finished the edging around the front garden and have put some bricks in where I'm going to put more edging in. I'll wait till I get the pebbles for under the windows delivered and get the edging delivered at the same time. I guess that's the front garden on hold for now as the next delivery will be a couple of pay days away and I want to focus on preparing the vegie patch. Besides, I'm back to work on Monday so long days of mucking around in the mud are nearly over.

Just for the record this is my
TH post on this blog.

Not bad for a year of blogging eh?

July 09, 2007

Doors Drainage and Mud

The new bedroom door has been hung as has one of the gorgeous glazed timber doors in the home theatre room. The storm water pipe has been located and a pit and grate purchased. Just have to hold out til next weekend for these jobs to be finished and then Sarah and I can continue to work on Frog Bog..

Well done Peter and Aaron though for achieving.

Apart from that not too much else to report on the house.

Had an interesting walk with Sarah yesterday, in fact I'd like to dedicate this story to the sour brittle woman who likes to tell Sarah not to do what I tell her because I'm not her mother - all very well putting a young child at risk like that when you're not around to look after her. Anyway, we were out walking in the new estate. Where they have excavated for the dam they have piled up all the soil - it looks very impressive. we have walked over this before but since it has been raining so much we (Max and I) have had the good sense to stay off it. Sarah however, decided to walk along there and when I told her to get down she of course said no she was having fun. Well it wasn't too much later that I hear, "I've lost my shoe....I've lost my other shoe!" So muggins here has to fish them out of this sludge with a stick - losing one of my own shoes in the process. Max then decides to fall into the water having been chasing bubbles. So we walk back to the house - Max soaking wet, Sarah up to her knees in thick mud, carrying her shoes and splattered with mud on her jacket, looking very unhappy, and me, slightly muddy and wondering about the response I'm about to get from her father. Fortunately he saw the funny side of it, but now I'm left with a pile of very muddy clothes to wash for Sarah. Ah don't you just love a nice relaxing walk?

July 06, 2007

Welcome back...to the place you're always at home


Sarah came home today and she's been fabulous!!! Normally she's a tad toxic when she gets back but this time she's been all hugs and kisses...don't worry she's looking over my shoulder as I write this and pretending to lick the screen. Now she's jumping around like a kangaroo and has anounced she's spent this week watching Play School! Oh dear!!!! (yes she's looking again.)

It's great to have her back, we have a fairly busy weekend planned but hopefully we can do something fun during the week.

Not much to add on the home front. I only did a little in the garden today but I was absolutely thrilled with an unexpected compliment I received. Ally (my twin if you didn't know) is a mad keen, expert gardener and she said my front garden looked good - so I was really chuffed. She took the old bbq and school table and will take our old dining table later - she knows lots of people who need stuff. She's donating our old green aviary to an animal shelter.

With some more of the stuff gone I can move Peter's trailer over a little so hopefully I'll have better access around the back and will be able to start on the Frog Bog again. I'm still not sure about putting the new drain in. Afterall it only affects that tiny area, perhaps the soil is just hydrophobic, the rest of the garden drains beautifully. I started digging where the pond part might go and the soil is so fine and easy to dig through - gardening will be a breeze.

Well Sarah and Aaron are both looking a little tired so I think I better anounce bed time.

Good night to you too


Mary Mary Quite Contrary

Well my garden doesn't grow as such as there aren't many plants in there yet...although the ones around the back have grown very quickly and I'm quite pleased with the plants under the window (except the poor fellow blasted by the storm - but it's hanging in there.)

I managed to get the gravel path done - I have more gravel left which I will rake over the existing path later today. When we walk on it and close our eyes it takes us back to the long walk to school in the snow...that satisfying "cruch" under foot. I had enough black mulch to do one section of the front but I'm not sure if the little pile left will cover the rest. I still have some jarrah to put in but I'm waiting for Aaron to be home to trim it up for me. You can't really see too much from these shots but trust me it's there!

Around the back the frog bog is on hold as we think we should put some drainage in first. We chatted to a plumber earlier in the week and he concurs. Just as well as I don't have the money to get the pond liner, plants and rocks just yet. So my lone frog who's out there now will just have to make do with what is there.

More work to do today

See ya

July 04, 2007

Any Volunteers???

As you can see I got my gravel and one batch of mulch delivered this week, looks like a fun job ahead of me. Too bad it was raining when it was delivered, that meant I had to go straight back to bed and wait for it to stop :) Don't you just love school hols? I've also got some jarrah edging which should be a little easier to line up than the fence palings I was using. I am really looking forward to spreading Aaron's overtime...I mean all this garden product...all over the front garden!

In other news of the lives and loves of the people who live in our humble home...
...Sarah, Dee and I went to the Bombers/Demons game on Friday night. We won. A very close game thanks to some interesting adjudicating by the umpires - interestingly enough the dead keen D's fans behind us commented on numerous occasions about the umpires' decisions against the Bombers - even they could see something foul was afoot. Still when that final goal was kicked and we were all screaming for the siren it was an amazing feeling. I ran into my assessor from the gym at the train station - oops she's a Demon's fan and has promised to make me pay - on the stepper - at my next reassessment - she also told me off because I'm never at the gym. It was a great night out but we got home a little late for my comfort, so I got Aaron to meet us at the station - even though my car was already there. Then we dropped Sarah at her mum's.

We bought a new washing machine on Sunday...actually this was quite exciting as it's got all sorts on flashing lights, buttons and cool functions..translation??? Aaron is actually using it. I realise its the same principle as the Dyson - when it's new and gimicky he'll use it but he will soon lose interest - still I'll make the most of it.

Speaking of Gadget Man (I'm thinking of asking Elton for the rights to Rocket Man so I can rewrite it dedicated to Aaron) he (I mean we) also purchased a new DVD player that has UPSCALING (yippee - I think) and the big softie also bought a DVD player for my mum - isn't he sweet?

I caught up with some of the Bos crew on Tuesday (lots and lots of goss) - and then trundled off to the dentist (lots and lots of fillings!! Just as well we have health insurance)

Not much else to report at this stage.

Bye for now.