Well done Peter and Aaron though for achieving.
Apart from that not too much else to report on the house.
Had an interesting walk with Sarah yesterday, in fact I'd like to dedicate this story to the sour brittle woman who likes to tell Sarah not to do what I tell her because I'm not her mother - all very well putting a young child at risk like that when you're not around to look after her. Anyway, we were out walking in the new estate. Where they have excavated for the dam they have piled up all the soil - it looks very impressive. we have walked over this before but since it has been raining so much we (Max and I) have had the good sense to stay off it. Sarah however, decided to walk along there and when I told her to get down she of course said no she was having fun. Well it wasn't too much later that I hear, "I've lost my shoe....I've lost my other shoe!" So muggins here has to fish them out of this sludge with a stick - losing one of my own shoes in the process. Max then decides to fall into the water having been chasing bubbles. So we walk back to the house - Max soaking wet, Sarah up to her knees in thick mud, carrying her shoes and splattered with mud on her jacket, looking very unhappy, and me, slightly muddy and wondering about the response I'm about to get from her father. Fortunately he saw the funny side of it, but now I'm left with a pile of very muddy clothes to wash for Sarah. Ah don't you just love a nice relaxing walk?