July 06, 2007

Welcome back...to the place you're always at home


Sarah came home today and she's been fabulous!!! Normally she's a tad toxic when she gets back but this time she's been all hugs and kisses...don't worry she's looking over my shoulder as I write this and pretending to lick the screen. Now she's jumping around like a kangaroo and has anounced she's spent this week watching Play School! Oh dear!!!! (yes she's looking again.)

It's great to have her back, we have a fairly busy weekend planned but hopefully we can do something fun during the week.

Not much to add on the home front. I only did a little in the garden today but I was absolutely thrilled with an unexpected compliment I received. Ally (my twin if you didn't know) is a mad keen, expert gardener and she said my front garden looked good - so I was really chuffed. She took the old bbq and school table and will take our old dining table later - she knows lots of people who need stuff. She's donating our old green aviary to an animal shelter.

With some more of the stuff gone I can move Peter's trailer over a little so hopefully I'll have better access around the back and will be able to start on the Frog Bog again. I'm still not sure about putting the new drain in. Afterall it only affects that tiny area, perhaps the soil is just hydrophobic, the rest of the garden drains beautifully. I started digging where the pond part might go and the soil is so fine and easy to dig through - gardening will be a breeze.

Well Sarah and Aaron are both looking a little tired so I think I better anounce bed time.

Good night to you too


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