As you can see I got my gravel and one batch of mulch delivered this week, looks like a fun job ahead of me. Too bad it was raining when it was delivered, that meant I had to go straight back to bed and wait for it to stop :) Don't you just love school hols? I've also got some jarrah edging which should be a little easier to line up than the fence palings I was using. I am really looking forward to spreading Aaron's overtime...I mean all this garden product...all over the front garden!

In other news of the lives and loves of the people who live in our humble home...
...Sarah, Dee and I went to the Bombers/Demons game on Friday night. We won. A very close game thanks to some interesting adjudicating by the umpires - interestingly enough the dead keen D's fans behind us commented on numerous occasions about the umpires' decisions against the Bombers - even they could see something foul was afoot. Still when that final goal was kicked and we were all screaming for the siren it was an amazing feeling. I ran into my assessor from the gym at the train station - oops she's a Demon's fan and has promised to make me pay - on the stepper - at my next reassessment - she also told me off because I'm never at the gym. It was a great night out but we got home a little late for my comfort, so I got Aaron to meet us at the station - even though my car was already there. Then we dropped Sarah at her mum's.
We bought a new washing machine on Sunday...actually this was quite exciting as it's got all sorts on flashing lights, buttons and cool functions..translation??? Aaron is actually using it. I realise its the same principle as the Dyson - when it's new and gimicky he'll use it but he will soon lose interest - still I'll make the most of it.
Speaking of Gadget Man (I'm thinking of asking Elton for the rights to Rocket Man so I can rewrite it dedicated to Aaron) he (I mean we) also purchased a new DVD player that has UPSCALING (yippee - I think) and the big softie also bought a DVD player for my mum - isn't he sweet?
I caught up with some of the Bos crew on Tuesday (lots and lots of goss) - and then trundled off to the dentist (lots and lots of fillings!! Just as well we have health insurance)
Not much else to report at this stage.
Bye for now.
Have fun Harps
Well the words do say "I’m not the man they think I am at home". Enjoy your new look garden, its starting to look Great!
Well.... "I’m not the man they think I am at home"
"Oh no no no I’m a rocket man"
"burning out his fuse up here alone"
Sounds very rude to me!!
Ahh that's what the lyrics are. For the past 30 odd years I've just mumbled over that line "burning down the blah blah blah". Thanks Elton
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