October 04, 2007

How fast they disappear...

Yes folks, the holidays are nearly over. Not that I'm complaining (everyone loves to attack teachers on the subject of school holidays don't they?) as I am looking forward to going back to work - but I feel like I've had the best break I've had in ages.

We ended up going away to Amy and Travis' afterall - it was really wonderful, stunning scenery, great company, fabulous food and - dare I say it??? - a few awesome wineries along the way. Aaron's health improved so much and I felt really rejuvenated. It also inspired us to get moving in the garden so I have spent much of this week planting out vegies. Ultimately, we want to move to the country - but for the moment we'll just have to make the most of what we've got.

I spent today up at Ally and Dave's and had another great day. Kinglake - like Mt Beauty - is very lovely and again got us thinking about moving away from the burbs.

Anyway, I will add some photos soon.


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