Saturday marked Aaron's 35th birthday. It wasn't too far into the day when he revealed how he'd uncovered my plans for a surprise party - in a way it was such a relief. We had a lovely sleep in till almost 10. Sarah came home and we slobbed around at home for a couple of hours. We left in separate cars but then Aaron wanted to meet at Knox for lunch - so we did. Sarah didn't want to get a present for him there so I made my getaway and they went to Roy's for some important X- Box play time.
That gave me about two hours to buy some gifts, shop for the party and get home, still only leaving me a short amount of time to cook, clean up and slap on the war paint.
Keith was the first to arrive followed by Susan and Geoff. I wanted to do the guided tour thing but as I had failed in my mission to find a birthday card with Che on I still had tonnes to do in the kitchen while googling Che and making a card. I achieved!!! Keith blew up balloons and put some on the letter box and Susan ensured that I remained hydrated whilst working so hard...good girl Suuz! Aaron's card looked something like this (in a green frame)
Gradually people started to arrive and finally the guest of honour's body guard arrived yet no birthday boy. Sarah disappeared outside for a while and then eventually I went looking myself. I found him and he said Sarah had said not to come in...what a silly boy.

Anyway he finally came in to a rousing "surprise" (although we knew he wasn't).
It was a great night and a great time to catch up with friends.
Happy birthday babes xxxx