- Funny text message from Caz all about Midge Ure and Ultravox!!! Love a bit of nostalgia
Being stalked by a banana loving colleague who made me laugh very hard..thanks gav (new gav not the old gav who i still miss :< )
- Being introduced to Sarah's old school friends and their mums in the change room at swimming and chuckling at Sarah's formality.
House Update:
Had an official inspection with the site supervisor on Wednesday. Painting should start this week and the sparky and tiler should be hot on their heels. At least we might be moving in before the school hols are over so I'll have plenty of time to unpack properly.
Bruce, our supervisor, is great and I have absolute faith in him.
(Oct 24 - Nov 22)
If you want your life to be full of fortuitous coincidence, see yourself as an angler dangling a baited hook in the stream of serendipity. In this river every catch is a prize catch. Even an old boot is a treasure to be gratefully reeled in. It will turn out to belong to someone who needs it back badly. Or to be a magic boot. Or to have diamonds hidden in the soles. What distinguishes the stream of serendipity from the ordinary river of life? Probably nothing - other than positive expectation!
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