It is a lovely Sunday morning here in Melbourne. We're heading for a top of 26 degrees, the sun is shining, there is a gentle breeze and the spring flowers and shrubs are in bloom. Lovely!
So what has been going on this week you may ask?
Being the second week of the school hols Sarah was back home so we have done lots of kid friendly activities.
On Tuesday we went to Gumbuya Park, I haven't been there since I was in year 9, lots of lame rides and animals in very small enclosures. However, there were also kangaroos roaming free and a nice picnic area.

Sarah Makes a friend

On the way home we stopped at the house of course. The plasterers have put a wire mesh over corners and had finished covering the joins.
There is also a big trench around the house where storm water pipes are being laid.
On Wednesday we went bowling at Knox, I won both games which was nice after losing at mini-golf the day before! Afterwards we walked around Banksia nursery. This spring weather is making me think about the garden in the new place and I can't wait to get started. I am definately going for a native theme with no turf out the front, it makes sense in this age of water shortage and habitat loss for native fauna. Sarah is also picking plants for her fairy garden which she will no doubt tell you about in her blog.
In the afternoon we walked Max up to Pet Panache where he bought an extension for his lead, a new collar and tried on Doggles. He is now featured in the Pet Panache website. We stayed for such a long time and Sue and Geoff invited us over for drinks later. Their home is fabulous on a great site. We enjoyed

On Thursday it was off to the city to see Fairies the stage show. There were so many little girls dressed up as fairies, very cute. We walked down to Treats From Home where we bought Jaffa Cakes and Bullseyes (for mum). There are so many great things in there and I will head back before Christmas.

When we got home we discovered Aaron's new glasses were ready so we headed back down the hill for the obligatory Thursday night at Knox. We didn't eat dinner as we were still full from lunch but enjoyed a Boost Juice instead. We visited Alicia at the Geographic shop as she no longer works at Gen Trader and Sarah had fun chatting to her. We finished off the evening with a Star Bucks Chai Latte. As we walked outside Peter pointed out that there was a "Wendy Moon". Apparently when I was in the States and Aaron and Peter went to Adelaide for Christmas (before we were going out) they had a few drinks at the Slug and Lettuce and saw a crescent moon with a little star beside it. In his "relaxed" state Aaron had called it a Wendy Moon and tried to take a photo to send me. How sweet is that?
OK Friday, I got a call from Deanne and had to pick her up from Maroondah Hospital as she had been in a car accident. She is ok but I'm not. I can't believe she got in a car with someone who had been drinking. In September alone 42 people have died on Victorian Roads. After dropping her at my Mum's I went to work to do some photocopying but the folder was missing. Grrr.
I had no choice but to visit the house, where I discovered the plastering is complete, including cornices and the trenches around the outside have been filled in on one side of the house.
On Friday night Aaron took Sarah to her mum's as she needed to make up for last weekend (when her mum went away so Sarah had come home early). Aaron was working night shift so off he went. I went to Knox to get Gold Class tickets for the Devil Wears Prada but they had sold out, so I booked them for Saturday instead. I went to visit Mark and Amanda and we played poker which was lots of fun.
On Saturday I just did boring house work and did a big clean up and burn off in the garden. Max and I went for a walk in the afternoon and then when Aaron woke up we went to Mark and Amanda's for dinner. Amanda and I then headed to Knox and enjoyed the luxury of Gold Class, I could really get used to that standard! The movie was very funny and much cleverer than I expected. I enjoyed a nice Pinot Noir followed by a latte, better than your standard popcorn and coke eh? Another night home alone due to Aaron's night shift and it was a cold one.
Today I am going to tackle my giant pile of marking that I've had two weeks to do!!!!! Later Max and I will go walking. I want him fit and healthy for his op on Tuesday.
Standby for more house pix later in the week.
LOL I remember that excursion to Gumbuya Park.
I can't believe you went back of your own free will.
At least your dog looks better now than in that earlier shot.
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