December 31, 2006
Farewell 2006
What a year it has been. We've joined the ranks of mortgage payers and said farewell to renting. I've left my job and started afresh at a new school. Aaron bought a sexy new car. Sarah started theatre classes and bowling lessons and also changed schools. Deanne finished her first year of uni. Ally's band's been getting loads of gigs. Max had a cancer scare. I've lost 10% of my body mass. I've made some gorgeous new friends. We've moved into our lovely new home. So that's about a brief run down of 2006 i wonder what 2007 has in store.
Have a happy and safe new year.
Love wendy
December 30, 2006
Busy busy busy
We're off to get some new blinds today and to have a look at other odds and ends. Hard to believe the year is nearly over.
December 27, 2006
New house ..but no internet
This is a very quick update as i'm posting from my phone. We're loving life in our new home. There's still lots to do such as the drive and decking not to mention a thousand fix ups by metricon homes. I won't pass judgement just yet!
It was fabulous having a christmas eve dinner with family and friends and we enjoyed a boxing day celebration next door.
Hopefully internet up and running soon but in the meantime i hope everyone enjoyed the festive season and i wish you all a happy and safe new year.
love wendy
December 13, 2006
What's Going On???
With the silly season fast approaching it has been a busy couple of weeks.
Sarah had her end of year concert for her drama, singing and dance class. It was a wonderful performance and she did us proud. Nana Jean and Deanne came too and had a ball.
We had fabulous seats with a perfect view of the entire stage and no tall people or women with hats in front! Sarah did so well with all the songs and is really starting to develop a love of performing and a presence on stage. She looked fantastic up on the stage and there was one number where some of the others were watching her to get the steps right. There was one routine that she didn't seem to know, she told me she was away when they learned that number, which was odd as I have taken her to class every week this semester. As it turned out it was something they did on the weekend workshop. But all in all it was a fabulous performance, I guess all those long hours waiting for her to finish rehearsals every week were well worth it!
While we're on the subject of Sarah performing on stage...I had half the office staff searching the school for me on Thursday as Sarah's school had rung to talk to me. It turned out her carols concert was this Thursday not the following and Sarah was devastated as she had told us the wrong date. Fortunately, I had no classes that afternoon as the year 10s had finished and I had all my In Lieu classes in the morning. So I dashed over to her school; and there she was, practically folded over the fence watching for my car. You should have seen how happy and relieved she looked as she and her friends raced along the fence line to meet me.
The carols concert was great and all the kids looked like they were having a wonderful time. Even the teachers gave a performance, which brought a smile to my was Summer Holiday by Cliff Richard and it reminded me that holidays are fast approaching.
When Sarah and I got back to my school we got even more good news. Not that I like to talk about money (it's just not the done thing) but my pay slip was in my pigeon hole and I knew it wouldn't be pretty as I joined the strike action last week. The timing was terrible and I was dreading the truth...but to my surprise I was actually paid considerably MORE than usual as there was an adjustment in my salary with almost 6 months arrears to be paid....take that Mr Howard and your disgusting IR laws!!!!
I went to a great retirement do that week as well. It was for Anna, Rod and Andy from my old school. It was at a restaurant near by so I walked there (great idea as I got really spooked on the way home). The evening was wonderful. I was able to catch up with my dear friends and colleagues. As much as I know I've made the right decision in moving schools I miss these people so much.
Sandra's speech on behalf of Anna was marvellous, she really has a gift for public speaking and Anna was of course incredibly witty. It is a sad day for education when someone as talented, passionate, intelligent, caring and brilliant as Anna leaves the system. I just hope she takes to writing so I can continue to learn from her. Enjoy your retirement Anna Banana.
Well, there's been lots of other things going on but it all escapes me now so I'll just give you a quick house update.....

Physically, everything is just about ready to go, or so it seems. Of course no one works in the building industry this time of year and the banking industry doesn't seem any better. Then of course there's all that council stuff not to mention the estate approval and a surveyor or valuer from the bank. Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! It seems unduly complicated, for example, you can't get the final bank cheque until you get the certificate of occupancy...but what do you need in order to get that all important certificate??? You guessed it...the final bank cheque. And somehow you have to get about 50 different people out to come and inspect and check everything and issue insurance and heaven knows what else....and we thought the building stage was challenging! So we'll have more agony waiting for all the paperwork and other red tape to go through. There are also some minor touch-ups around the place and of course the all important installation of appliances and our water tank(just try to get a plumber this time of year), which of course they don't install until the day before you move in because of all the thieves who pinch things from unoccupied houses...just look at what happened with our doors and the trough. Still it is getting closer and we celebrated after our walk through with Bruce last night by grabbing a take away and eating a delicious family meal in our beautiful home.
December 12, 2006
See ya
December 09, 2006
Reports reports reports
However, I need a break from reports. I swear they were invented by someone who was jealous that teachers get school holidays. I really dread this time of year, all the work that comes in at the very last minute, agonising over whether or not to pass or fail that borderline kid and avoiding the temptation of saying what we'd REALLY like to say.
At least the report writing program is a lot more user friendly than the one I've used in the past, still it's completely new which means I'm having to familiarise myself as I go. Oh well. It's not so bad, I'm on my last class. Tomorrow I just need to calculate attendance, proof read (hate doing that on a screen) and make sure there is isn't any work around that I haven't counted.
Of course there's also the usual domestic engineering and lugging boxes of garden waste to the top of the drive before the green collection. I'd love to mulch it all for the garden here but I cannot.
Well need to get back to it.
See you soon with a proper update.
December 08, 2006
Report Writing Day
Need I say more???
December 01, 2006
Food Addict
I don't seem to have any energy to exercise and I'm hungry or just feel like picking constantly.
Oh well...the silly season is upon us so there's no point fighting it. I'll just have to make yet another new year's resolution. I've got one month to eat drink and be merry!!!
That's all.
November 30, 2006
Lazy lie-in, walking weather, nanna nap
- Long lie-in with Aaron.
- Perfect weather for a walk
- An afternoon nap.
November 29, 2006
Great day
Ah well, enough of my ramblings.
PS Got some other good news this evening too.
November 28, 2006
Some words of advice
2. Before you purchase land in a new estate check to ensure that the area hasn't been earmarked and/or approved for:
- new diesel freight train lines;
- huge inland port; or (and this is my personal favourite...)
Oh well Aaron was talking about seeing if he could get a job closer to home, he could be just like Homer Simpson...and what's a few genetic mutations or risk of core melt down to worry about??? It will just make life that much more exciting...but I think I'll give rejoining the local CFA a miss, I've seen footage of the firies who went into Chernobyl!
November 27, 2006
House pix
November 26, 2006
What a beautiful weekend???!!!???
I stayed in bed for far too long on Saturday but finally got up and took Max for a walk. The local Primary was set up for election day but I thought I wouldn't be able to vote because I had Max with me (he was already disappointed because he went to Pet Panache and no one was home) but who did we run into??? It was Geoff and Sue. They looked after Max while I went into vote. I ran past the people with the flyers (only the liberal one gave chase). Of course when I got inside I started to worry about preferences. In the past I've done all the research and considered independents, greens and democrats (all of whom I've voted for at one stage or another in one or other of the houses at state or fed level...I like the idea of balance). However, this time I've focused on the Labour party because of the federal IR laws. I know federal and state are separate but we need someone to protect us at state level against the Howard regime and his desire to take away the rights that our forefathers have fought for and future generations need. So I had to go back outside and get the labour guy's flyer to help me out. At least I only put one number on the big sheet... in the past I've numbered them all.
I walked out and Max was carrying on. A lovely old lady said he was clearly my dog because of the way he was watching me. She was wearing an RSPCA shirt so I could tell she was a lovely person. We went back to PP, Sue and I stopped at the new candle shop, oddly enough Max was happy to go with Geoff this time because he knew he was in for treats. Chatted there for a while then went home.
The troops were still sleeping so I woke them up. Eventually we got going and headed down to the house.
Shock of shocks there was a trady on site. He was fitting shelves and the wardrobes. This meant we could go inside and take photos (currently on Aaron's camera but I will update later). I couldn't believe our luck to see a trady on a Saturday. We were very excited and he agreed with my argument that I need to get lots of new clothes because the robe is so big, in fact he said it would be a waste of his efforts if I didn't!
Saturday night I went to Bec's birthday dinner at Moods. Lovely! I had pumpkin risotto, chardonnay, a delightful Baileys cheesecake and a coffee. It was great seeing my new (ish) work colleagues out of hours so I could get to know them better.
I met Aaron at Mark and Amanda's for a post election party (not Don's party style fortunately). Good news, the libs were soundly defeated!!!
On the way home I heard Graceland by Paul Simon and that's why that line was in my head when I got home. That line really got to me.
Today. Much the same as yesterday. Got up late and walked Max. The wine and food show wasn't where I thought it was going to be so I didn't see the Pet Panache stall at the show. Sorry Sue. Got home and once again they were sleeping.
Today's journey took us to a furniture store to pay some money on our lay-by couches and look at tables. I then dropped Aaron at the swap meet to get cartridges. We then returned to the house to take videos and much to our surprise the portico has been completely rendered and coloured. Apparently they were on site today.. a Sunday!!!! So we were very excited to say the least. So lots more photos and video to be loaded up when I have more time.
The weather has also been lovely. There was some rain yesterday which is great but generally warm and sunny with a light breeze. Perfect Spring weather.
Best get back to my marking.
Thoughts on love
And she said, "Losing love
Is like a window in your heart
Everybody sees you're blown apart
Everybody sees the wind blow"
Paul Simon
November 24, 2006
Further house update
Day at home or in the garden

Poor Sarah, her hay fever is actually a cold and she woke up in a pretty bad state this morning so I had to keep her home. She's been sleeping for hours which is a goo

All done...see ya.

November 23, 2006
gardening, hugs & beesting
- Being home early enough to spend time in the garden. Ok so mowing the grass and picking up masses of bark and branches isn't that beautiful but I felt quite good afterwards.
- Hugs goodbye from a couple of year 10s. It was our last class today as exams start tomorrow. Poor dears.
- Hoeing into the Bee sting Deb's husband made. Better than any from Hahrndorf that's for sure
I'm please to report that a significant amount of tiles were laid today. Clearly they have given up on the sparky and started without him. They've just left gaps where his markings are. I hope he can find the downlights ok. Colours look nice against the paint...thank goodness. Keep going lads. I heard yesterday that builders (union members) don't work when it's over 36 c, unless there is aircon. So I'm thinking it won't be long before things start to really slow down. After all, the weather is hotter and Christmas is fast approaching. I've also heard that the two surrounding stages won't be released until a third new stage is ready, apparently this is more cost effective to lodge several at once. I don't know how true the rumour is and I just hope it doesn't slow down construction on the new road into the estate. It shouldn't as they have reached their maximum number of houses in the estate so they are obliged to start. Word is February!!! Yay!!! So that will make getting into and out of the estate much safer and will make it a much easier journey to Sarah's school when we move there in the new year.
As I'm packing I've been getting rid of some stuff that's been cluttering up the house. Mum will have a relatively new tv when I drop it in on Saturday, another friend has a juice extractor as we had two and Dee is about to get a sandwich press to take back to res next year. She'll be popular in her dorm as students love toasted sandwiches!! We also have boxes of tacky crockery, books and clothes heading to op shops and I've even chucked out some ornaments and keep sakes!!!! There is so much to do and although the time is a fair way off I want to be uber prepared this time!
In other news Max's eye problems (hay fever) were probably related to the fact that the grass out the back was reaching my waist. Oops. Anyway I've cut it now so he should feel better. Somehow our bird feeder became airborne and ended up in Tom's garden. He's going to pass it back to me next week but couldn't tonight as he's just had heart surgery. It's a bit tricky for me to get over the fence but perhaps I'll try on the weekend to save him the trouble.
I'm really getting excited about the Inquiry Centre following yesterday's meeting. I can't wait for next year (to a point!!!) It means there's not much point unpacking more school resources in my current desk as I'm bound to be on the move again soon. Unfortunately, I am once again at the mercy of construction workers. But I love my job.
I can't believe November is nearly over. I bought milk today with a December 3 use-by. Not a good sign. Some of the boys at school will be happy as they've been growing fluffy moustaches for movember. It's a charity to raise funds and awareness of several men's health issues: depression, heart disease and prostate cancer (the word prostate always reminds me of that song by the Indigo Girls and the line "I spent two years prostrate to the higher my paper and I was free." I tend to get the two words mixed up and am still scarred after mum laughed at my -innocently- incorrect lyrics all those years ago!) Just as well it's not something I talk about much.

See ya
November 22, 2006
cake, inspiring meeting, fitting end

3 Beautiful Things
- Enjoying the delicious sponge cake Deb's husband made. Yum!
- Being in a great meeting all day that was inspiring and fun.
- Enjoying some delightful refreshments at the end of the day.

House Update:
Nil, nothing, blank space, nada, zero, nowt, etc....get it?
It will never be finished.
Max Update:
Max had a return visit to the vets as his eyes went bloodshot yesterday. She put in some dye and shone a UV light into his eyes...all clear on ulcers; looked to see if the remains of the stitches were causing irritation...not probs there; checked his lymph nodes and looked to see if the the melanoma had returned...fine; happened to mention his ear problems and he sneezed several times...guess who has hay fever????? Poor Max, he's just like Aaron and Sarah after all. So I have to put cream in his eyes 3 times a day for one week. Plus I still should be rinsing his ears once a week. My poor baby.

That's all for now :)
November 21, 2006
Hamlet, Laughs, Out Annetting Annette
- Speaking passionately about Hamlet and seeging it was rubbing off on someone else (one of my year 11s had been expressing concern about the texts for next year - they also get to read the Curious Incident which I love, 1984 and watch Gattaca.)
- A really good belly laugh...can't remember why
- Bec saying something I said to someone was almost worthy of Annette...Annette saying I'd surpassed her
House Update:
Same as yesterday. More confusion with the Telstra pit...we may become Luddites and oppose all technology. Of course that means saying goodbye to my blog so that's not an option. Sarah was excited as it was her first glimpse of the tiles. We have started collected boxes for the move...great my house will be full of boxes over Christmas, no room for a tree now! And it's my last Christmas in the hills too!!!!
Other news:
The year 11s were back today for orientation. It was good to say goodbye to some I missed yesterday, it was also nice to be told off because I'm not taking year 12 next year.
We had a meeting afterschool about tomorrow's all day meeting for the Inquiry Centre. Very exciting. I'll be running a small group tomorrow. I just love my job, I really really do. I think I am so blessed to have found a career that I am so passionate about as that means I love getting up to go to work...well perhaps not the getting up bit, but I realise how important it is to love what you do everyday otherwise it all becomes soul destroying.
By the way discovered the name of the mystery bird.....(insert drum roll here)...its a butcher bird...yes I was disappointed too. How can such a sweet little bird with a sweet little warble have such a carnivorous name?
That's all folks
November 20, 2006
Tiles, Company & Congratulations
- Getting into the house and seeing the newly laid tiles up close and personal
- Having an extra passenger on the way home, Sarah and I gave the lovely Sagantha (sp?) a lift home. She seems a little homesick for India so I hope we cheered her up
- Getting lots of congratulations on getting a job for the next 2 years at my current school, I guess the word is out so I don't have to keep it secret any longer :)
My attempts to discover the identity of the mystery bird have so far proven futile, but I'll keep working on it. I really did enjoy flicking through bird books in the library today before the meeting. I will miss the bird life up here when we finally move on, but with wetlands close to the new place I could be in for some treats. Must dig out the binoculars dad gave me.
Quick House Update:
Tiles have been laid on the floors in the wet areas. The purple ones in the big bathroom (Sarah's) look very purple now, just as well it's my favourite colour...Sarah likes it too but would probably have love PINK ones!!!!!!
The paint looks like it needs another coat as we can see the join in the plaster. Best get onto Bruce...the supervisor extraordinaire so he can get them back to finish the job.
Hey it's still November and technically I should be still celebrating my birthday month...guess that's why I had Penang curry and coconut rice for lunch today!!!!
I had a post-exam debrief with my year 11s. Our last class together. Thanks for a great semester guys!!!!! I'll miss you heaps. Enjoy your summer :)
I also just found a comment from Duncan on my cars and hills post. I'm so thrilled he's on the mend! I feel like that night was almost just a dream now.
November 19, 2006
Mystery bird, washing and Druscilla
- Discovering that the delightful, mystery bird that darts around our decking is also the bird with the very melodious call. I saw one in action today and whilst singing it performed a little dance;
- Pulling fresh washing off the line and it was actually dry and didn't smell of smoke from people burning off;
- Seeing Barb and Druscilla today. Dru has become that fat and doesn't chase birds anymore. She is obviously very happy at Barb's, well loved and pampered. I miss her but I know she is better off there. (Dru was my cat).
painting, king parrots, adelle
- Painting our portico...well not really just sample pots but at least it felt like we were doing something constructive...unlike the rest of the house!!!!
- Rescuing a young female King Parrot from bully Rosellas who wouldn't let her eat
- Adelle's birthday party.
November 17, 2006
Catherine, Maz & Bec and Boz kids & Tam

- Catherine giving me some well-timed kind words and support
- Marilyn, Bec & I sharing a laugh about our little secret and the great bargain we got
- Running into goodness knows how many ex-students at Knox, getting lots of hugs and stuff and then to top it all off seeing Tamsyn and catching up on what's been happening since we both escaped the Morg!
Haven't been there so nothing to report. Sorry :(
PS Went bowling tonight....I won!!!!!!!
I also supervised the first half of the last year 11 exam this morning. They must be so glad it's over.

November 16, 2006
Sarah & Jodie, Kate and Ally
- Seeing Sarah and Jodie at Knox and hearing the goos...Sarah and Trevor are back together!!!!
- Hearing from Kate how much she misses her sweet to know a teen who has such a good relationship with her mum and openly admits it
- Seeing Ally driving in the opposite direction this morning...what a surprise!!!!
The Real 3BT
I was just reading over Clare's site and realised it has been a few days since my last visit. She has such an amazing way with words that I could almost inhale the cool, crisp air of an English Autumn, I could see the crimson berries, I could taste the marmalade cake she ate for elevensies at 9.45 and I sighed as I imagined her trapsing through Sussex in her well loved boots. Ah to have the gift of words. Speaking of gifted writers I have also become a regular visitor on River's site and I am loving her amazing poetry. Today she had scanned sketches she had there no end to her talent? One day I would love to meet these wonderful people and fellow bloggers. But for now I will be content reading of their lives in diverse places.
November 15, 2006
chocolate, appreciation & the iron-bark chip

Three Beautiful Things
- Sharing chocolates
- Being appreciated by welfare
- Talking with people who could understand why I'm excited about having iron bark fence posts (It all relates to Lawson!)
Where I was we had enormous amounts of hail which the kids scooped up to throw at each other. Ben couldn't understand why he ended up with a wet patch on the carpet after sneaking some in!!!!!?????!!!!!
I had a great chat with Barb tonight. Apparently my cat (her cat) is now medicated. Why am I not surprised? She has also taken to eating Barb's feet in the wee small hours of the morning.
I did not visit the house today.
Love Wendy
November 14, 2006
hugs & winks, chats with kids, new friends
- An unexpected hug from one work colleague and two unexpected winks from two others. Everyday I'm feeling more and more like I belong. I know work is supposed to be about being professional but there is something about teaching that attracts people who need people and who need to be needed. Guess that's why they're stuck with me!!!
- Students coming to find me at lunch time...just to chat.
- Meeting two lovely people.

Painting Complete - Check
Door handles on - Check
Most door rehung - Check
Downpipes attached - Check
Key Pad for heating & Air con - Check
Heating and cooling vents - Check
Tiles on site - Check

The house has been a bit of a hive of activity. So I have done a little more packing tonight. OK, so we'll be surrounded by boxes but at least I feel like I'm doing something constructive. It's not like I can lay tiles and carpet, fix shelving or do the plumbing and wiring!
I have some other very exciting news...but I can't share yet as there are often prying eyes!!!!

Weekend Recap:
As I did not post Sunday afternoon or even on Monday, I forgot to tell you about my Sunday afternoon. Having slept in after Saturday night's festivities, I rushed to collect Sarah from Mandy's, but stayed ages, met Sue and Mark's new baby and chatted with friends of Mandy's from her school days. Mark and I compared giant spider stories but he won.
Anyway after stopping by the shops I made it to the Ranges by 3 for a get-together with Linda, Duncan and Esbourne (from the accident a few weeks ago). We also me Duncan's parents and Esbourne's girlfriend (Judy, Stuart and Hayley). It was lovely to see how well the boys had recovered and to hear, in particular, Duncan's zest for life, following what he calls his Near Death Experience. Perhaps I did not realise just how serious his injuries were and having seen photos of the car wreck I'm not at all surprised. They couldn't be kind enough or say thank you enough! Anyway, Linda and I left with lovely gifts: designer chocolates and gold class tickets. But most of all, I felt like I had made a difference, and that was best of all.
November 12, 2006
Not so bad afterall

Well my birthday mood improved considerably once I left home and put the housework hissy fit behind me. Clearly housework is seen as my role and if I want to be in a relationship where it is evenly distributed I would probably have to find someone whose mother raised him properly with post feminist values. But when you love someone I suppose you have to learn to accept and compromise...and I really do love him!!!
I picked up Deanne from the station, Caz rang on the way down which made me extremely happy as we hardly ever talk these days. She did tell me the very sad news about Belinda Emmet, which actually brought a lump to my throat even though I didn't know the woman, but her battle with cancer had gone on for so long. Caz also told me that the house I used to live in had been on fire and that my old fire brigade had been there that morning. We're meeting up for dinner during the week.
I was so happy to see Deanne, it seems like ages, I'm so proud of her for finishing her first year at uni, but I hate that she is so far away from home. We went to mum's house next. She had a beautiful yellow rose for me to plant at the new house. The scent was divine and reminded me of the roses in our front garden in Farnham Avenue, Hassocks.
We had fish and chips at the beach and then walked along the sand with jeans rolled up and shoes off. Ah to be back at the sea. How I love the feel of sand between my toes, the cry of seagulls and the lapping of waves around my ankles. The beach was quite busy as it was a warm day, not quite warm enough for me to swim though.
I picked up Amanda and dropped off Sarah then dropped Deanne off at our old house as she was getting a lift up to Ally's from there. Amanda and co bought me some lovely platters for my birthday, all white of course.
Amanda and I went home and I got ready to go out. Rachel came to collect us. She gave me a lovely magnetic necklace that can also be a bracelet, I love it. I also got a purple owl candle (she knows me too well) a purple windmill flower (cute) and a thick bangle (gorgeous).
We found an outside table at The Ivy and were joined by Chris and Jo. We talked for so long as there was so much to catch up on. The gossip from Boz, Jo's adventures in Greece, my new school, the house. Pez and Jungy also stopped by on the way to a housewarming. Not exactly on their way at all so I was extra thrilled to see them They had lots of talk about their trip through Europe and Asia. Now my feet are really itchy and I'm dying to travel!
We had a lovely meal, I suffered the consequences of gluttony when I got home, and we drank Riesling and champagne. The waitresses even brought our dessert out with a candle in so I could blow out candles for my birthday.
A lovely end to a lovely birthday.
Love Wendy xxx

November 11, 2006

Well today is my birthday and the text messages have been flowing. How lovely to have people around me that care enough to make contact. Sometimes I feel very blessed and loved in this life. I even got one from an ex who I haven't heard from in ages!
Aaron is working today so Sarah and I will make a bit of a girls' day of it. We're going to meet Dee from the train station as she is on her way home from uni and we'll all have lunch with mum. Sadly I won't see my twin today but she is having a party in King Lake and I'm meeting friends closer to home.
Aaron had my car detailed for my birthday, which to me seems like a real luxury. It is so nice to have it clean inside and out. I really should take better care of it. On the way to dad's grave last weekend we discovered they are on stage 4 water restrictions down that way and can't wash their cars at all!!!
Aaron also bought me a lovely watch. The card he gave me was particularly ironic, it was all about a man doing housework, cooking dinner and offering a foot massage...all the things that I would love!!! But inside it tells you that with age comes hallucinations and confusion. So I guess I'm out of luck.
Sarah made me some plasticine birds and bought me a bag from Pet Panache for when I'm walking Max.
After Aaron left for work this morning I went back to bed (naughty) and finished reading The Bride Stripped Bare. What a book!!! and how decadent to spend the morning reading.
Yet through all this i realise how much I hate my life!
November 07, 2006
the adventures of max the beagle, gorgeous view, reading for pleasure
- Max "beagling" across the oval. Whatever he picked up the scent of must have been long gone but he turned into some super beagle as he headed off down little bush tracks and ran around like a mad thing trying to find it.
- The view from the look out we walked to today. Breath taking and within walking distance of home.
- Reading...a book...Yes I know not a particularly beautiful thing in itself, however, it was not a book that I had to read for an English Class, it was not any sort of text book, it was not even a reference book, in fact it had no practical application whatsoever. I was reading for me and for pure pleasure. It seems like awhile since I have done that. The book is called The Bride Stripped odd title and an up-close-and-personal sort of a story. I may have even blushed while reading!
Melbourne Cup Day
- On a Jeune
- Headturner
- Mahtoum
I started packing last night. Why not? At least I'll be organised when the time finally does come to move.
Here are my stars from Jonathan Cainer:
(Oct 24 - Nov 22)
The forthcoming transit of Mercury will take place in your zodiac sign. The symbolic implication here is that somehow, you are about to cause an important piece of information to come to light. You may not be consciously engineering this development, but it's happening anyhow - and it's good. First there will be a revelation, then a revolution. A change that has long been needed is finally under way. Regardless of what you fear or how wrong some aspects of your situation seem, all is good.
This seems good news. FYI I've given up on the doing something good everyday of my birthmonth...there are afterall only 24 hours in a day and most of them are taken up with work and running around after others. Perhaps finding time to write in my blog daily is my treat.
You Are The Hermit |
![]() You posses a great deal of wisdom and the ability to see people for who they are. You are always looking ahead at the future, developing visions. A loner, you tend to travel by yourself through life, seeking your own truth. You don't crave material things or fancy titles. You have no baggage. Your fortune: It's possible that there is a unknown guiding figure in your life, ready to help you. All you have to do is find this person and seek their advice. It's also possible that you need to start seeking the meaning of your own life. Either way, there's some deep thinking you need to undertake, and it needs to be done soon. |
How You Life Your Life |
![]() You seem to be straight forward, but you keep a lot inside. You're laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think. You prefer a variety of friends and tend to change friends quickly. You tend to dream big, but you worry that your dreams aren't attainable. |
November 06, 2006
Max fans, Thankyou gift, Famous mum
- 3 sweet little girls chasing Max and me across the oval and then with impeccable manners asking if they could pat the dog. They were so lovely and Max lapped up the attention.
- A lovely gift from Sue as thanks for helping her to move shops.
- A request that mum write for Clare's history of Tunbridge Wells site.
I love Aaron, I really do. I plan to spend the rest of my life (or at least a fair chunk of it) with him. We talk of one day getting married and having a couple of babies. We're building our beautiful home together and we dream of retiring to a farm in the country in our autumn years. Now I know everybody has a's inevitable, and Aaron is of course no exception. I can accept most of the things he has done and put it down to experience; seeking comfort in the knowledge that he has grown and matured into a wonderful, responsible, steady man. However, there is one aspect of his character that I don't know if I can come to terms with. It surfaced today, previosuly I thought he was playing the fool and just pretending, but today the truth became painfully clear to me. My beloved fiance was, and is, a fan of Bros. I know, it's a terrible thing. Today in the car 'When will I be famous?' came on. He knew all the words, and worst still all the dance moves. He was beaming from ear to ear, I have never seen such joy and rapture from him. What should I do? Is there some sort of support group or forum I can join? Or is this it...the end of the line for us?
House Update
Our lovely painters gave up their 4 day weekend to finish the second coat. I love them for this!!!! Looks like just the skirts to finish. Lovely
November 05, 2006
Rosella, photos & views
- I looked out the kitchen window yesterday to see a Rosella in an interesting predicament. He was standing where I had left some meat for the Kookaburras and a Kookaburra was standing in the tray of sunflower seeds. The Rosella kept trying to edge his way towards the seeds but the Kookaburra kept telling him off. If I didn't know better I would have thought the Rosella was attempting to explain the situation to the larger, carnivorous bird. Well, eventually the Kookaburra was spooked by something the rosella jumped up, the kookaburra spotted the meat and left the seed tray. Such entertainment, all free!
- Spending time with mum, going through old photos while looking for photos of dad.
- Sharing with Aaron the sites along the Cape Patterson Road after visiting dad's grave in Inverloch today.
I don't think I achieved this today or yesterday. Although I did get Aaron to drive me to Inverloch instead of having to drive the whole way myself.
On a sad note: I went out to feed Dale (the rabbit) this morning. I dropped his food in to his bowl but he didn't move. So I picked him some grass - he loves fresh grass and will eat this when he snubs his pellets - still no movement. So I pulled back the tarp to let in more fresh air and daylight and I noticed it was dripping on him and he still didn't move. I picked him up and he barely acknowledged me. I took him inside but had no luck with the carrot I offered him. Poor Dale was looking very unwell. So we took him to the vet and he just lay floppy in my arms all the way down the hill, sometimes looking up at me. As soon as Dr DaSilva saw him he was very honest and said there wasn't anything he could do. So it was farewell to Dale. I had a cry, didn't quite make it out the door so was seen crying in public! All the way to dad's grave I was worrying about poor Sarah and wondering if we should ring her or how we should tell her. Aaron said she's be fine and not to worry. I of course did. So when Sarah got home and I told her I was all ready for tears. What did I get? "Oh, best get fish next time." Ah kids...
House Update: Peter and Aaron measured up today to calculate how much concrete and decking materials we will need.

Tribute to Roy dad
14/03/1927 - 5/11/1995
I don't have a lot of pictures of dad but I really enjoyed spending time at mum's yesterday sifting through photos to find these.

Dad on a picnic rug in his early 20s.

Royal Marine Dress Uniform outside the Cenataff in London

Dad with some WRENS in Malta (friends of Mum's)

Dad with his best friend. Name unknown.

Royal Marine active duty uniform

After dad left the Marines he returned to England. Here he is on duty as a London Bobby. He is with two Amercian Marines who decided to dress up as English men for a night out on the town. One is called Darwin Lesh.

Mum and Dad got married shortly after they arrived in Australia in 1959.

A birthday party for Dad in Olinda's famous Cuckoo Restaurant. Pictured with mum, Carole and Daniel. Another one at the same place, perhaps a few years later.
In the 90s down at Dad's house in Inverloch, with Ally and me.