- An unexpected hug from one work colleague and two unexpected winks from two others. Everyday I'm feeling more and more like I belong. I know work is supposed to be about being professional but there is something about teaching that attracts people who need people and who need to be needed. Guess that's why they're stuck with me!!!
- Students coming to find me at lunch time...just to chat.
- Meeting two lovely people.

Painting Complete - Check
Door handles on - Check
Most door rehung - Check
Downpipes attached - Check
Key Pad for heating & Air con - Check
Heating and cooling vents - Check
Tiles on site - Check

The house has been a bit of a hive of activity. So I have done a little more packing tonight. OK, so we'll be surrounded by boxes but at least I feel like I'm doing something constructive. It's not like I can lay tiles and carpet, fix shelving or do the plumbing and wiring!
I have some other very exciting news...but I can't share yet as there are often prying eyes!!!!

Weekend Recap:
As I did not post Sunday afternoon or even on Monday, I forgot to tell you about my Sunday afternoon. Having slept in after Saturday night's festivities, I rushed to collect Sarah from Mandy's, but stayed ages, met Sue and Mark's new baby and chatted with friends of Mandy's from her school days. Mark and I compared giant spider stories but he won.
Anyway after stopping by the shops I made it to the Ranges by 3 for a get-together with Linda, Duncan and Esbourne (from the accident a few weeks ago). We also me Duncan's parents and Esbourne's girlfriend (Judy, Stuart and Hayley). It was lovely to see how well the boys had recovered and to hear, in particular, Duncan's zest for life, following what he calls his Near Death Experience. Perhaps I did not realise just how serious his injuries were and having seen photos of the car wreck I'm not at all surprised. They couldn't be kind enough or say thank you enough! Anyway, Linda and I left with lovely gifts: designer chocolates and gold class tickets. But most of all, I felt like I had made a difference, and that was best of all.
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