November 21, 2006

Hamlet, Laughs, Out Annetting Annette


  • Speaking passionately about Hamlet and seeging it was rubbing off on someone else (one of my year 11s had been expressing concern about the texts for next year - they also get to read the Curious Incident which I love, 1984 and watch Gattaca.)
  • A really good belly laugh...can't remember why
  • Bec saying something I said to someone was almost worthy of Annette...Annette saying I'd surpassed her

House Update:

Same as yesterday. More confusion with the Telstra pit...we may become Luddites and oppose all technology. Of course that means saying goodbye to my blog so that's not an option. Sarah was excited as it was her first glimpse of the tiles. We have started collected boxes for the move...great my house will be full of boxes over Christmas, no room for a tree now! And it's my last Christmas in the hills too!!!!

Other news:

The year 11s were back today for orientation. It was good to say goodbye to some I missed yesterday, it was also nice to be told off because I'm not taking year 12 next year.

We had a meeting afterschool about tomorrow's all day meeting for the Inquiry Centre. Very exciting. I'll be running a small group tomorrow. I just love my job, I really really do. I think I am so blessed to have found a career that I am so passionate about as that means I love getting up to go to work...well perhaps not the getting up bit, but I realise how important it is to love what you do everyday otherwise it all becomes soul destroying.

By the way discovered the name of the mystery bird.....(insert drum roll here)...its a butcher bird...yes I was disappointed too. How can such a sweet little bird with a sweet little warble have such a carnivorous name?

That's all folks

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