- Waking up to the sound of rain on the roof.
- Smell of fresh paint.
- Surviving a job interview.
House Update
Not much to report. Painting still in progress. Garage now painted too. Yard very soggy after all that rain in one day. Wish our rain water tank was in already so it could start filling now. Trough please Bruce.
It is Mr Pohlen's birthday today. I didn't get to give him birthday bashes as we are at separate schools now. Hope you had a good one babe.

Me Update
Have decided that at my time of life I shouldn't just celebrate my birthday I should celebrate my birth month. So I'm doing something for just me everyday in November.
Yesterday: Too lazy to make my own lunch today so I took in vegie korma
Today: Ate fish and chips for tea, in the car, having met Aaron down the bottom of the hill. (My first fish from a takeaway fish & chip place).
OK so far it's all about food...just like me really!
Yesterday I rambled about why people can't get along etc. Well how's this? Flags were flying at half mast in South Africa. I find this so hard to fathom. Botha was such an evil man and responsible for so many attocities perpetrated against the South African people. Yet they honoured him today following his death on Tuesday, even offering him a state funeral. That is an amazing level of forgiveness and almost incomprehensible to me. I thought I was a reasonably forgiving person but when I read forgiveness on that scale I am taken aback. Or maybe, says the cynical voice in my head, it is more about politics and economics. Perhaps healing the rifts between South Africans of different ethnicity would have benefit for the country's economy. No, perhaps it is genuine. In which case I know I have so much to learn in this life!
PS Check out the TEAR catalogue, the link is in my side bar. It's a beautiful concept.
Hi, Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog.
Happy birth month and all the best for the house! :)
Oh, and btw, I'm 34 too.
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