- What Michael T said to me (about blessings) and what Alex P said about me (about being fun)...yes others' opinions do matter to me :)
- Playing woolly mammoths with Sarah while her father looked on somewhat bemused
- The fresh apple scent and warmth of Sarah's hair when she grabbed me for a hug after I had just finished blow drying her hair

Paintwork almost finished. Frames etc all done and walls requiring one more coat. It's nice to know that all we heard about the building companies only spray painting houses was all ficticious and that they take their time to do a quality job. I looked pretty closely and couldn't see any signs on the name and date of the plaster board manufacturers visible under the paint work and there is still at least one more coat to go.
There is someone that I used to really like and thought was my friend but discovered through other adults and that person's actions that we never were friends; I am just gullible. While it is no surprise to me that I am gullible (it's been like that all my life and I will continue to search for the best in people even if I do keep getting hurt because I don't want to become bitter and cynical!!!) it saddens me that people are so determined to be unkind. Why is this so? Why can't everyone just get along peacefully? What hope do the nations of the world have of maintaining harmony if two people with so much in common cannot get along?
Do you know what else confuses me? Why, when I open my blog in explorer are there funny gaps that aren't there when I open it in Mozilla?
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