Well my birthday mood improved considerably once I left home and put the housework hissy fit behind me. Clearly housework is seen as my role and if I want to be in a relationship where it is evenly distributed I would probably have to find someone whose mother raised him properly with post feminist values. But when you love someone I suppose you have to learn to accept and compromise...and I really do love him!!!
I picked up Deanne from the station, Caz rang on the way down which made me extremely happy as we hardly ever talk these days. She did tell me the very sad news about Belinda Emmet, which actually brought a lump to my throat even though I didn't know the woman, but her battle with cancer had gone on for so long. Caz also told me that the house I used to live in had been on fire and that my old fire brigade had been there that morning. We're meeting up for dinner during the week.
I was so happy to see Deanne, it seems like ages, I'm so proud of her for finishing her first year at uni, but I hate that she is so far away from home. We went to mum's house next. She had a beautiful yellow rose for me to plant at the new house. The scent was divine and reminded me of the roses in our front garden in Farnham Avenue, Hassocks.
We had fish and chips at the beach and then walked along the sand with jeans rolled up and shoes off. Ah to be back at the sea. How I love the feel of sand between my toes, the cry of seagulls and the lapping of waves around my ankles. The beach was quite busy as it was a warm day, not quite warm enough for me to swim though.
I picked up Amanda and dropped off Sarah then dropped Deanne off at our old house as she was getting a lift up to Ally's from there. Amanda and co bought me some lovely platters for my birthday, all white of course.
Amanda and I went home and I got ready to go out. Rachel came to collect us. She gave me a lovely magnetic necklace that can also be a bracelet, I love it. I also got a purple owl candle (she knows me too well) a purple windmill flower (cute) and a thick bangle (gorgeous).
We found an outside table at The Ivy and were joined by Chris and Jo. We talked for so long as there was so much to catch up on. The gossip from Boz, Jo's adventures in Greece, my new school, the house. Pez and Jungy also stopped by on the way to a housewarming. Not exactly on their way at all so I was extra thrilled to see them They had lots of talk about their trip through Europe and Asia. Now my feet are really itchy and I'm dying to travel!
We had a lovely meal, I suffered the consequences of gluttony when I got home, and we drank Riesling and champagne. The waitresses even brought our dessert out with a candle in so I could blow out candles for my birthday.
A lovely end to a lovely birthday.
Love Wendy xxx

Happy (belated) Birthday, Wendy!!! :D
And about the housework--take it from me--men can be retrained. It's tough work, but worth the time and effort. ;)
thanks river, you're an inspiration. :)
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