Hello, again. If you look in my links you'll notice something called
Three Beautiful Things It is a "blog of note" that I looked at today, and may I say it really impressed me. Clare, who runs the blog, writes down three beautiful things everyday that happen to her. Wow, it sounds simple enough but I think when you go out of your way to find three beautiful things in a day it can only serve to accentuate the positive and distract one from the negative. So in my blog I'm going to try this too. Maybe it is becoming a world wide phenomenon that will turn us into happier human beings. So here goes:

- 4am chat with Aaron as we woke up to the sound of rain on the roof,
- A walk through the hills with Max between rain and hail downpours...the air smells extra clean after it rains,
- mandarins in orange and mango je
lly (just like mum use to make)
Love Wendy
PS: I've added a site metre today
PPS: As much as I love and we need the rain it means there is likely to be heavy cloud cover

PPS: Don't forget it's one week until the JDRF. It's not too late to sponsor me.
1 comment:
House is looking great, will have to catch up at some stage.
How is your stalker?
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